Bringing Light to Loss

Join us to Bring Light to Loss

This page is dedicated as an ongoing virtual memorial for pregnancy and infant loss awareness and to honor families grieving the death of a baby

Nurturely is honored to remember your baby with you. Please join us virtually to support for all families journeying through infertility, loss, and grief.

The following videos were part of our launch event on March 25th, 2021, where we came together virtually to read poems and memories and say each baby’s name.

Please take care of yourself in engaging with the memorial videos below…

Sending love and light to you on this journey…

 Part I: 

Grounding – Heart Breaths 

Memories and Poems from Families 

Messages from Nurturely


Part II: 

We invite you to honor each baby with us, as well as all babies who were not named, but still are not forgotten. 


The photos and videos below are in loving memory of the babies gone too soon and the parents left behind. Please register below to be included in this ongoing memorial.

To Lena, from her big sister Jadyn…

Lena Franklin “Frankie” Lilypop Goodard

Lena Franklin “Frankie” Lilypop Goodard

September 29th

Declan James Paulsen

Declan James Paulsen

April 18th



November 17th



August 24th

Little Bean

Little Bean

Sometimes I still imagine what life would be if we ran away together. I know that you’ve lived infinite lifetimes in the primordial stew. I know it is all as it is meant to be.

Harper Mei

Harper Mei

August 27th

Jackson Elliott Bushong

Jackson Elliott Bushong

August 1st

Brian Joseph Heras Jr.

Brian Joseph Heras Jr. 

June 5th

Effie Emilia

Effie Emilia

September 5th

I am so grateful for my first baby, who I never got to hold with my arms. Losing her taught me the incredible depth of the human capacity not just for grief, but also for love. She made loving my second and third babies that much sweeter. Even though she’s not here with our family, I see and feel her everywhere, my invisible oldest child.

 Babies Humphries/Holland

T. Humphries and Humphries/Holland

June 6th, 2014

Baby T Humphries – Even though I never got to hold you, I knew from the moment I found out I was carrying you I knew I’d love you forever.

October 21st, 2014

Baby Humphries/Holland – Forever in my heart. Not a day goes by that I won’t think of you, how life would be having you here..

Love you always my bean…

Love mummy xxx





Register below to have your baby included in this ongoing remembrance.

Is there a particular date that is meaningful to you in your journey? If there are multiple dates, please include below.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
These will be included in the public remembrance ceremony on our social media and website.
These will be included in the public remembrance ceremony on our social media and website.

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