As part of our relaunch we are highlighting our staff, volunteers and board members. First up: Monique!
Describe your background and what led you to Nurturely’s work.
I was a teen mother in 1998 here in Eugene, and had very minimal options for being able to stay in actual school and no support outside of my home. I am hoping through Nurturely that I can assist in creating resources for caregivers of all ages and backgrounds.
What motivated you to work with Nurturely?
I am a firm believer that everyone deserves the very best resources when it comes to being able to care for their infants and beyond. When Emily discussed me being part of Nurturely, I was intimidated, but change cannot happen without the members of Nurturely being there to be the voice of so many needing one until they find their own.
What is your role within Nurturely?
I am on the Board of Nurturely.
What do you hope to do with Nurturely? What are your goals in working with Nurturely?
I hope to create resources for young parents, especially for those who do not have the support that I thankfully had. These young parents are already facing a huge life change and it is imperative that we provide resources, education to those who might be assisting them (medical staff, case workers, other family, etc) , as well as building a support group for them. We cannot just expect this population to be the best parents they can without the tools and the support they need.
What do you do outside of Nurturely (hobbies, work, school, passions, etc.)?
Outside of Nurturely I love spending time with my husband and 3 amazing children. I am also on the board of another non-profit group, Junior League of Eugene, go to school full time to get my degrees in Criminal Justice and Human Services, and work at a lovely local hotel.