Carrying Study Instructions

Thank you for helping us end postpartum disparities validate cultural practices conduct preventative research improve postpartum health share helpful interventions

Infant carrying tips

The ultimate goal of this project is to eliminate disaparities in postpartum health.

One way to prevent disparities is with baby carriers! 

By helping us collect data about how baby carriers can support health, you will help us increase access to carriers for all parents.

Start here: This video overview will give step-by-step instructions for study recruitment (all of these steps are outlined below for reference!)

Step 1: Study Introduction

For every pregnant client you do a home visit with…. introduce the carrying study using this script:

“Nurturely, a perinatal wellness organization, is conducting a research study that’s all about supporting babies and their caregivers. The study includes 5 surveys about infant feeding, mental health, and bonding with your baby and you will receive a baby carrier to use either during pregnancy or at 6 months postpartum.  If you are interested in participating, I’ll ask a few more questions to see if you qualify and provide more details about the study.”

Step 2: Fill out Recruitment Form

For ALL parents that you introduce the study to (even if they are not interested or not eligible), please always fill out the recruitment form!

If client is interested

  1. Open the Recruitment Form
  2. Enter your first and last name, date of visit, research site
  3. Select “Yes” for “is this person interested in this study”
  4. Select all eligibility questions that apply (to participate in the study, all options need to be checked)
  5. For the client, add their name, phone number, expected due date, and preferred language
  6. Click submit

If client is interested but not eligible

  1. Open the Recruitment Form
  2. Enter your first and last name, date of visit, research site
  3. Select “Yes” for “is this person interested in this study”
  4. Select all eligibility questions that apply and leave blank the eligibility factors that do not apply
  5. Add the client’s initials for internal record keeping
  6. Click submit

If client is not interested

  1. Open the Recruitment Form
  2. Enter your first and last name, date of visit, research site
  3. Select “No” for “is this person interested in this study”
  4. Add the client’s initials for internal record keeping
  5. Click submit

Step 3: Consent Form

In order to start the study, each participant must fill out the consent form to indicate they agree to participate (or not). The consent form will automatically pop up if the recruitment form indicates that the client is interested and eligible.

The consent form is long and complex, so we have created videos that explain all of the points in the consent form in plain language (linked on the consent form and included below)

Step 4: Group Assignment

After submission of consent form, participant will be randomly assigned to either : carrier group OR waitlist group

You will know if the participant is assigned to carrier group because they will receive a notification on their phone AND the carrier video will pop up on the screen after the consent form

Carrier Group: Provide Carrier & Instruction ASAP

  1. Please have the participant watch the carrier tutorial video
  2. Provide the carrier to them at the visit and help them practice wearing the carrier before baby is born
  3. Encourage them to wear the carrier as much as possible – both at home and while out and about!

Waitlist Group: No Action Necessary

  1. No further action is necessary from you!
  2. At 6 months postpartum, you will receive a reminder to provide the carrier for the participant
  3. The participant will receive the surveys directly to their phone
Participants will receive surveys directly to their phone via text. Surveys will be sent at 37 weeks gestation, and 2, 6, 12, and 24 weeks postpartum

Carrier Group ONLY: Tutorial & Reminders


Frequently Asked Questions & Links

Have a question? Check out the FAQs below and reach out to the research team at any point:

Simply let the research team know and set up a time to provide the carrier to the client. As long as you provide the carrier BEFORE birth, it will be fine.

Help the parent practice using the carrier. Ask if you can help adjust the carrier so it is more comfortable. Ask questions to see if you can troubleshoot what the problem is. If you don’t know the answer to their problem or question with the carrier, reach out to the research team to get specific advice. 

They should inform the research team. No further action is needed. People can withdraw participation at any point without penality.

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